Product Description
Surely one of the most amazing attacks of the World War II was ‘Operation Chastise’, the attack by Lancasters of 617 Sqdn against the German Ruhr valley dams using the famous bouncing bomb. Following the successful attack on the Mohne Dam, Guy Gibson led 5 Lancasters to the Eder. This dam was situated in extremely difficult terrain and as the aircraft struggled to line up on their target, one was destroyed as it was caught in the blast of an exploding bomb. Pilot Officer Les Knight was flying ‘N for Nan’ and he was charged with the final bombing run. The two previous mines had failed to breach the dam, but must have weakened the structure. Knight lined up his Lancaster and brought to bear all his training into this one final effort. His aim was true and at 2am on 17th May 1943 the Eder Dam was breached!
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