Product Description
The Swordfish was equally at home on wheels or floats which were easily interchanged, even on the flight deck of a warship. When operated with floats the aircraft would be recovered after flight by use of a flight deck crane. When operated from capital ships the catapult was used for launching and recovery was again by means of the ship’s crane. ‘529’ was taken on strength by 810 squadron aboard HMS Courageous in December 1937. It was operated in both wheel and float configuration. Later it served with 701 Catapult Flight operating on exercises with capital warships such as HMS Hood, Barham and Valliant. The unit also had a land base at Kalafrana Bay, Malta. During this time FAA aircraft were flown mainly by RAF pilots and serviced by RAF grew crews aboard ship. The Royal Navy provided the Observers and TAGs (Telegraphist Air Gunners). This practice continued into the early years of World War Two
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