Product Description
The Tornado GR.4 is the RAF’s primary long-range strike attack aircraft, capable of flying in all weather and at low level. It has Forward Looking Infra-Red (FLIR) and linescan imaging systems to help fulfil its reconnaissance role, along with a ‘RAPTOR’ reconnaissance pod. For close air support and interdiction, the aircraft would be equipped with iron bombs, cluster bombs and laser-guided bombs. In the defence suppression role, it is equipped with anti-radar missiles. Tornado GR.4 ZA447 has led a very active life, as it took part in the 1991 Gulf War in an overall ‘pink’ camouflage, then reverted to its standard grey finish and saw service with No. 31 Sqn at RAF Marham in 2006, in whose markings it is portrayed. Two years later it was transferred to No. 41 Sqn at RAF Coningsby, Lincs.
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