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Where to Buy Obselete/Discontinued Models

This website is the perfect place to find diecast models for sale, there are several ways to find a model for sale. First find the model on our website, and click through to its information page.

  1. Underneath the model title you will see a few links, these will search for the model on other websites, we have ordered these in the order in which you are most likely to find the model for sale, so we recommend going down the list clicking each link in turn, they will open a new window which will show you the model for sale on another website, if its there, congratulations you can buy it or take note of the price and try the other options below, if not just go back to the browser window with this website in it and try the next.
  2. In the tabs at the bottom of the screen just above the product description you will see a “Models for Sale” tab with a number in brackets, this number is the number of adverts that customers have placed to list their secondhand model for sale.
    If there are any for sale just click on the tab and you will see the contact details and adverts, just contact those sellers as you would normally reply to a classified advert.

Please note, the aim of this website is only to put buyers and sellers in contact, it is solely your reponsibilty to make sure the model is exactly what you want, make sure the buyer will pay, and look after your own safety.
Buyers and Sellers are not vetted and there is no feedback facility on this website, it is exactly the same as finding an advert in your local paper, if you have concerns we recommend trading on eBay or other recognised platform.

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